11. Nov. 2022 by Urs
Retrospective 5.7.0 now relies on Java 17, a version that has long time support (LTS). The bundled version of the program is shipped with Java 17 JRE from Adoptium.
Many of our customers use Retrospective in a closed intranet without having access to the internet. They had no immediate access to the user manual so far. That's why the user manual is now installed alongside the program in PDF format and can be opened in any environment through the menu item Help > User Manual or simply by pressing the F1 key.
When defining a host in the Host Manager, you can also define the terminal encoding that will be used for the SSH Console. The available character sets were limited to the most commonly used ones. In case the remote terminal used another encoding, strange characters appeared on the screen.
When adding a certain file to a search profile, autofind was not able to detect its encoding. When trying to manually configure the appropriate character set, it was not listed in the encoding combo box on the Log Entry Separation wizard page because they were limited to the most commonly used ones. Therefore, the file content appeared with strange characters during search.
We now support a large number of additional character sets, including ones not commonly used.
The "Terminal Encoding" dropdown list now contains many more choices. Choosing the appropriate character set will prevent you from seeing strange characters in the terminal.
The "Encoding" dropdown list on the Log Entry Separation wizard page now also contains many more options. Choosing the appropriate character set will prevent you from seeing strange characters during search and monitoring.
As always, we spent great effort in improving the quality of our software. We updated the underlying Eclipse Target Platform together with different libraries and fixed a number of bugs. For further details, please consult the Retrospective 5.7.0 release notes.